Strategic Intelligence

Drawing on our intelligence gathering expertise, we undertake market entry analysis by profiling competitors and interviewing sources to develop competitor intelligence which can inform qualitative growth strategies.

We provide political risk analysis, often within the context of an enhanced due diligence process, which considers the macro environment of investments and business partnerships and marries our intelligence gathering with a forward looking approach that can identify issues and the key individuals likely to influence the success of operating in new or turbulent markets.

Market and Sector Analysis

Drawing on our intelligence gathering expertise, we undertake market entry analysis by profiling competitors, examining internal and external market factors, and interviewing sources to develop intelligence which can inform qualitative growth strategies.

\We marry our source network with political analysis to identify and map key stakeholders to assess their influence which helps our clients develop a strategy for stakeholder management.

Reputation Management

We work with an array of non-profit, educational and cultural organisations and institutions to assess reputational risk associated with donors, partners and senior hires.

We not only provide context-driven intelligence assessments but can advise around crisis public relations management with longstanding partners and will ensure you have the information required to plan, prepare and mitigate risks in advance.

Geopolitical Advisory

We undertake issue-driven, context specific political risk assessments, often as part of pre-transaction due diligence or market entry assessments.

We have helped clients navigate evolving political and religious environments and can identify relevant actors that may impede or facilitate their growth.

We also monitor and analyse online trends, evaluate risk by associations and undertake crisis planning in advance of political unrest.

Case Study

CRI conducted a six-month long, intelligence-driven, market-mapping piece of strategy consulting for a global media company to help it understand the current market for one of its products, its key competitors and likely drivers for the market in the short and medium term. It identified and discreetly interviewed 50+ key players and delivered qualitative market research far beyond the client’s expectations.
A Western corporate considering a charitable donation to a Russian NGO requested CRI investigate the potential political risks involved given its patron’s relationship with the Kremlin. CRI identified subsidiaries of the foundation which had recently been added to a list of “undesirable organisations” which made it illegal for foreigners to work with them. CRI explored how previous donations had been made and whether those companies had suffered any repercussions. CRI also evaluated the likely evolution of the charity’s patron to the Russian government and whether any political appetite existed to take measures against the foundation.





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